Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) Closure

The septum is the muscular wall that separates the left and right sides of the heart. Septal defects are sometimes commonly referred to as a “hole” in the heart. An Atrial Septal Defect occurs when there is a defect between the upper chambers of the heart. These are known as the Atria.
If the defect between the atria is large this means that copious amounts of oxygen-rich blood leaks from the left side back to the right side of the heart. This already oxygenated blood goes back to the lungs and displaces the blood that needs to be oxygenated. Many people with this defect have little or no symptoms.
If Atrial Septal Defect closure is done early in childhood, it pre-empts serious problems for the patient later on in life. If the defect is diagnosed when the patient reaches adulthood, it is repaired in most cases. The cardiologist is the best person to diagnose if the ASD should be closed depending on the effect to the body.
Atrial Septal Defects should be repaired during childhood once it is detected. The long-term prognosis is good and it is unlikely that more surgery will be needed later on in life.